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Welcome to the FREE TRADE ZONE by Malaysian Internet Resources specifically designed for trading of Photographic Products, Services and/or annoucements - Local or Internationally !

In this section, you are welcome to post, advertise and/or trade ONLY product(s)/topic(s) anything that relates to Photography - which includes sales, disposal, or announcement of photographic services/events and happenings.

* Note: By posting your advertisement here in this Zone, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions as stated below.

Terms & Conditions of Free Trade Zone Use

You are NOT encouraged to:

a) Making repetitive postings with no changes in specification and/or variation of prices from original posting;
b) Make any personal comments relating to viability of advertiser's asking price nor comments relating to quality aspect of the advertiser's products/event/services.
c) Promoting/Posting content that is non-relative to your business or not owned by you or content that infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
d) Post unsolicited or unrelated promotional materials, "junk mail", "spam", "chain letters" or "pyramid schemes";
e) Post any material that contains any computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt or limit the functionality of this community website;
f) Collect or store personal data about other users for personal/commercial usage;
g) Post any content that is unlawful, harmful, abusive, harassing, libelous, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful - racially or ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
h) Impersonate any person or entity, including or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person, brand names or entity.

The maintainer(s) of this FTZ do not vouch for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any ads, and are NOT to be held responsible for the contents of any ads. If you have any question relating to functionality or performance of the products/services of the advertiser(s), we encourage you to seek clarifications DIRECTLY via business contact. The ads solely express the views of the author of the ads and not of the maintainer(s). Any user who feels that a posted ad is objectionable is encouraged to contact us by email. The maintainer(s) of this FTZ reserve(s) absolute rights to modify or even delete any inappropriate, non-relative or misleading ads, and the decision will be final. As this is a non-profitable community section, the site operator(s) / maintainer(s) of this FTZ should also NOT be held responsible for any dispute or discrepancies arising from possible transaction(s) between buyer(s) & seller(s). We will constantly monitor this section to improve the practical aspect as well as the site efficiency. We welcome any constructive suggestion, viable input and feedback !

Lastly, on behalf of all the development staff of this site, we hope the convenience provided here can be of good help in meeting your business objectives and we wish the BEST OF LUCK to you on your posting. Thank you for your kind consideration and help to make the Net a more friendly place to live with. Good Luck !

Add your advertisements here. The respective input field of Name, E-mail and Messages are required for a successful posting. Although the rest of the fields (product categories, buy/sell/annoucement) are optional but we do encourage you to select the appropriate category so as to enable proper search results to be displayed.

Reminder: Repetitive posting(s) without price variation or change of specification will result in immediate deletion if spotted. Next, if you are NOT comfortable with this kind of public exposure of your personal and/or Company's email PLEASE use/select a One-Time Email for this purpose (deletion request of posted email address will NOT be entertained. Phone contacts can be used, but will usually confine your advertisement to local exposure. To AVOID being lead to unspecific/related external site(s), this board only accepts PLAIN TEXT postings; further, using special HTML tags other than plain text to attract attention is NOT encouraged. and may even face deletion of your posting(s) by the few volunteered maintainers appointed. And the decision is final.

*** Last Reminder ***: Be a discipline & respectable photographer; In order to maintain FTZ in clean & tidy state;
Regardless of an intentional act or by technical error, repetitive posting(s) WITHOUT price variation, terms or change in specification
MAY result in immediate deletion on ALL YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS without anymore further notices given. Thank You.

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Canon FD Mount SLR models | Canon EOS Autofocus SLR models | Various Nikon SLR models | OM OM-1(n) & OM-2(n) SLR Models
| Contax RTS SLR models | Pentax LX SLR Camera | Minolta XK/XM | XD-7/XD-11 | X-700 | Maxxum 7000/7000i SLR model(s)
| Hasselblad Various older Models |

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Various Optics

Canon FD Lenses | Canon Autofocus EF Lenses | Nikon Manual Focus | Autofocus | Nikkor Lenses
OM Zuiko Lenses | Contax T* Lenses | Early Minolta AF Lenses

OR just Bookmarked
HERE for your future reference |


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